Type: External (4.0 and later)


MEM [/program|/debug|/classify|/free|/module(name)] [/page]

Purpose: Displays the amount of installed and available memory, including extended, expanded, and upper memory.


Used to display a variety of types of information about how your system is using available memory.


/program - Specifies the name, location, size, and type of each program for which memory information is to be displayed (available with DOS 4.0 and 5.0 only). Cannot be used with /C or /D. This option can be abbreviated as /P. - /debug - Specifies additional information about the programs in memory. This option can be abbreviated as /D.
/classify - Displays programs that are in conventional and upper memory. Cannot be used with /D, /F, or /M name. This option can be abbreviated as /C.

/free - Lists the free areas of conventional and upper memory. You can use the /Free switch with /Page but not with other MEM options (new with DOS Version 6). This option can be abbreviated as /F.
/module modulename Shows how a program module is currently using memory. You must specify the program name after the /MODULE option. You can use the /MODULE option with /PAGE, but not with other MEM options (new with DOS Version 6). This option can be abbreviated as /M.

/page - Pauses after each screen of output. This switch can be used with any of the other MEM options (new with DOS Version 6). This option can be abbreviated as /P.


To display the programs that are currently in conventional and upper memory, enter

mem /classify

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